Functional Prototype

The design specific-chemical-dimensional suitability and functionality of a product should be proven before it reaches the user or goes into high-volume mass production. With its functional prototype works, Strateji Savunma ve Prototip carries out the following;

  • Aesthetic evaluation
  • Measurement of the manufacturability
  • Mounting test

Thus, a quality guarantee can be granted to the end-user for the final product produced.

Functional Prototype is the name given to the working model of a whole product or part planned to be made. This type of prototype, also called functional prototype, tests how well the product or part works, and provides precise information about the result. It can be easily introduced to the market in a small quantity of production model. It also allows the best way to be drawn for the revision and development studies required for mass production.

Functional prototype is a preliminary model of a product used to test the feasibility of the design of the product prototype to be produced and to determine whether it will fulfil the expectations of the customer.

Functional Prototype can be used in;

Mounting Fixtures Design and Manufacturing

Welding Fixtures Design and Manufacturing

Prototype Sheet Metal Machining and Composite Parts Manufacturing

Metal Vehicle Body Manufacturing

Stainless Vehicle Body Manufacturing

Composite Vehicle Body Manufacturing.

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